What is the Best Overall Electric Guitar?

Published: 03/11/2016
Under: Guitar Gear
The best overall electric guitar isn’t the most expensive, or the coolest, it might not even play the easiest. The best guitar is the one which keeps you playing, inspired and time flies when you’re with her. You see, it’s subjective – it different for all players.
Gretsch Duo Jet
For me, the best overall electric guitar isn’t one, it’s having the right guitar for the situation.
I love to play my Gretsch Duo Jet – it has a ton of personality, yet can mix well into the background when needed. The lower output pickups sound full, without being bright or cutting.
The three position tone switch creates very different tones and you can pretty much do a gig with the pickup selector in the middle and then just move the tone switch for brighter or darker guitar sounds.
The Bigsby, to me, is the cherry on top and makes the guitar even more versatile.
The Gretsch works for most situations, a Telecaster, however, provides a nice overlap while being having more spank for funky guitar sounds.
The Tele to me is another great all-rounder, jazz somewhat excluded. And to think the Telecaster is the first guitar ever made! Man, they got it right the first time!
On the front pickup, it can sound pretty, almost jazzy – especially when you move the picking hand closer to the neck and pick lighter.
In the middle, it has that out of phase funk sound – useful for a range of styles.
The bridge pickup is, of course, is known as the hot licks country sound. It’s also, an iconic classic rock sound when you add some distortion to it.
Best Overall Electric Guitar
Of course, I could talk about the other guitars I have, the Les Paul Goldtop, the Peavey Rockingham, and many others that I have or have owned over the years.
But again, there’s no one perfect guitar which can cover every style known to man.
There is, however, a better way to define the best overall electric guitar in the world. If you can’t put it down, you’ve got a great guitar right there, which could be the best guitar for you!
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